Character Name: Sashalmoria Guilenfar ("Sasha")
Player Name: Brett Boyko
Race/Class/Level: Human, Rogue 6
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Homeland: Chelaxian - Magnimar
Diety: Desna

Racial Abilities:
Skilled ( +1 Skill point/level)
Bonus Feat (1 extra feat at 1st level)

Class Features:
Trapfinding (+ half lvl to Perception checks to disable device and locate traps. May choose to disable magical traps.)
Sneak attack (+3d6 dmg vs flanked or flat footed opponents)
Evasion ( no damage instead of 1/2 on successful save)
Trap Sense +2 ( +2 Ref and AC vs traps)
Uncanny Dodge (cannot be caught flat footed, even if the attacker is invisble)

Weapon Finesse ( use dex bonus for to hit in melee)
Improved Initiative (+4 initiative)
City Born/Magnimar (+1 reflex, +2 diplomacy)
Dodge ( +1AC /dodge bonus)
Mobility (+4 AC vs attacks of opportunity)

Spells and Powers:
Rogue Talents
:Bleeding Attack (Target takes HP/round on successful sneak attack)
:Trap Spotter ( auto check for traps w/in 10 feet)
:Weapon Training/Rapier (+1 To Hit w/ rapier)

Items Worn
Armor: Studded Leather
Neck: Nualia's Medalion (+1 to saves, false life 1/day)

Attacks ( Base Attack +4):
Keen Rapier +1 (+9 to hit, 1d6+2 dmg, 15-20/x2 crit)
Masterwork Whip (+8 to hit, 1d2+1 non lethal dmg, Rng 15, 20/x2 crit)
Shortbow (+7 to hit, 1d6 dmg, 19/20 x2 crit)


Sasha came from a middle class family at the edge of
Magnimar. Her mother was a gentle woman who raised her along with her three brothers. Her father was a sailor on the "Merackles" a ship of good reputation. Sasha was very much a tom-boy raised on her father's stories of far off places, play fighting with the boys and sneaking off in the middle of the night. Life was good until an old sailor arrived on their doorstep one storming night. The stranger was Friag Juldnso who served alongside her father. He had brought word that the Merackles had been lost at sea with only pieces of ship washing to shore in the last week. He brought a sailor's whip that had her father's initials carved into it along with those of her brothers and her own.

That was the night Sasha's life as she knew it came to an end.

Her mother became a shell of herself overnight and soon married a cruel merchant. Her new 'father' had no use for children and apprenticed out her brothers and expected Sasha to be little more than a live-in maid. She ran away to escape the beatings, taking her father's whip with her, and was soon adopted by a tavern owner of ill repute but good reputation in the heart of the city.

She worked hard and earned her keep. She soon learned about the things that 'do' and 'don't' officially go . As she developed into a young women she grew to disdain the Varisian idea of beauty seeing her contemporaries and weak, vain and pitiful. During one of particular card game she met a Varisian rogue and went to great lengths to cheat her from her star daggers. It was a moral victory. More surprisingly the woman seemed happy to part with them whispering something about 'true love.' The daggers are etched with flowing lines and have at Sasha's side ever since.

From there her wanderlust and roguish tendencies led her to the Gargoyles. She spent three years in their ranks earning a reputation in a short time. For reasons that only she and a precious few know she fled the Gargoyles and is mindful of them to this day. Now she's coming to the festival looking for fun, a chance to earn a little extra coin and because she's bought her way into the a high stakes and equally highly illegal 3 dragon ante game that is rumored to be held at the festival.

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